Open letter to American Media

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Dear all,
The current situation in Italy is not at all easy, especially when it comes to facing alternative energy supplies as well as maintaining agreements regarding the Kyoto treaty.
Our government has repeatedly stated that the global recession/crisis is a good excuse, if not a wonderful excuse, to cut on investments in this specific sector and, unfortunately, it has already put into act it’s verbal intentions: Decree nr. 185 called “anti-crisis decree” forecasts extreme cuts on costs as far as natural power supplies/energy efficiency are concerned  including a series of bureaucratic complications which make it practically impossible to have access to tax reliefs for those private citizens who intend or  wish to install alternative/natural power plants within or around  their own homes thus supplying to their own needs in an independent and environmental friendly way by improving  energy efficiency.
Just to give you an idea; 820 million Euro were spent in 2007 in comparison to the 82 million foreseen by the end of 2008.
Thermal solar panel installations for the supply of hot water cover 100 sq.mts every 1000 inhabitants in Austria, 240 sq.mts every 1000 inhabitants in Greece and only 10 sq.mts every 1000 inhabitants in Italy. This should give you a general idea of how investments are made in Italy.
The cost coefficient for private heating in the north of Italy corresponds to 140/210 kcal per whereas in Austria it corresponds to 80 kcal per The difference between the two costs is absolutely evident.
We’re very worried, and that’s the reason why citizens like ourselves are trying to organize a small event  to attract the attention of Italian media which seem not very interested in the matter.
Our idea is to ask your President elect Mr. Barack Obama for help. How? By requesting Italian citizens to write comments to a major American newspaper where appeals will most certainly be published. Now that the United States is converting to the Green New Deal, Italy should not be of lesser intentions.
What we are asking you is to lend us a hand regarding the diffusion of this initiative guaranteeing, once enacted, to give us enough attention through broadcasting. Even a few lines will be sufficient, even a few lines will be enough to cause a chain reaction on our media which will oblige Italian politicians to include alternative energy supplies in everyday topics in Parliament.
Thank you very much.

Jacopo Fo